Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Remember how we used to have snow at Christmas, even in southern England?  Well, no longer.....but here is a snowy poem, and some photos of what might have been and what might be in another year.          Just hoping .... these were taken in 2009!

Snowy Night

When did snow last lie like this,
So fired with frost and ice-white heat,
Striking sparks beneath my feet?

Walking through the empty streets,
How calm and still: such dazzling light
Fills this lovely smouldering night.

The trees stretch high their glittering arms                                                                            
To stars laced through a velvet sky,
While rangy foxes hunt nearby.

Slipping by the crackling pond, past
Billowing quilts spread in the park,
See; soft flakes of snow wrap up the dark.

© Sue Burley