Sunday, 6 April 2014

 Sunday 6th April 2014

"Consider the lilies of the field........."


I've really been looking forward to this Spring!  Winter dragged on doggedly;  wet and gloomy with hardly a flake of snow or a crisp frosty day to lift the spirit.  The flower beds solidified into a waterlogged mass.  Surely no plant could penetrate this heavy clay. How wrong was I?

Day after day, I scrutinised the bed outside the french windows, waiting for a sign that winter was over. The first to appear were the golden cups of the winter aconite, complete with their bright green ruffs.  Snowdrops were next, their sharp spears piercing the earth; and with the first watery sun, opened their shy hanging lamps.  As these declined, the miniature daffs, some with orange trumpets, trembled in the breeze.  Even primroses, wan and feeble at first, eventually burgeoned and as February turned to March, broke forth into their palest lemon glory.

Today, I have been looking at the patch of  delicate white wood anemones,  and the bluey-purple of the winter wind flowers. And bluebells are on the way, (though I have only the Spanish variety). 

For the home-grown variety, take a stroll to 6 Acre Meadow. They are to be found along the path adjacent to the sports ground. Not quite flowering yet, but should be in a couple of weeks........

                                                                                Bluebells are out now ................................

                                                                        the show is over now - until next Spring!




  1. Like your lilies........

  2. Beautiful first touches of spring! Another lovely garden spread.

    1. Pleased you liked it Cass. They are over now, but the fern is uncurling, and pink and blue geraniums flowering soon, together with the cow parsley!
